Friday, May 9, 2008

One down, three to go (well, two actually)

Will these 2 guys be in the final? I sure hope so. I know i said Syesha would be cut next, but I am actually happy that Jason Castro is the one to go because he deserves so. Syesha is definitely a better singer. I just thought he has enough votes to keep him there (sorry, Kay). But she might even be the next idol, who knows?

- In the last season, i thought Melinda Doolittle would go to final (she's super talented) alongside Jordan Sparks, but Blake did (well, he's bold and different). So, we'll see.

So long J.Castro.

[from a certain angle, i think he looks like J.Travolta.
don't you think so?
but of course Travolta is waaaay much cooler :)]



he does indeed...

AZRA said...

kan?? tapi mamat ni jambu.. travolta macho.

ms ngantuk said...

syesya's voice sedap tapi she lacks the x factor to make her stand out than the rest. cam normal black gal, with black voice, singing black songs.
pun begitu this season's contestants are way colorful (and yummy) than last yr's.
btw i had goosebumps when jc did hallelujah. just like when mj did any queen song.

AZRA said...

yup i so agree. she doesnt hv the x factor. i want d.cook to win cuz so far xde rocker lg yg menang but i think another 17 yr old will get the title yet again. not that he's no good.