Can u imagine if it had hit right in the middle of the door instead?
I can't...
(In the background l-r: the car, the other victim - the passenger & a rescuer with his car)
(My brother tried to capture me in the moment. Me, trying to act as casual as i possibly can - which i obviously failed because i don' t normally do the peace sign thing.)
Peace out!
p/s: David Cook won the idol, heh.. (and by 12 million votes!) Yay!
hey u...
teruknye accident!
that's a bad one. thank god ur fine.
wowwee harris pun came to the rescue?
looks very very bad...thank God u guys r ok!
wohohohoho!! dat was bad! thank god u are ok.. and yeah.. harris pn came for the rescue..?? dat part was cute.. :)
Judging from the last pic, ur face nampak terkejut tapi purak purak tak terkejut.. Well.. Nasib baik ko ok kan??
Hi guys, yes, Harris pun came to the rescue. Told him i was sad and my car was wrecked, he senyum2 gelak2 je. hihi..
The banker & Aliza: Thx for dropping by.
BITM: Pix was taken abt 2 hrs later. Terkejut ada jugak.. tp tu baru lps nangis ler.. sedey ok.. kan merah2 mata aku tu. hehe. So control macho la masa abg aku amik gambar! Am ok though =D
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