Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Horsing around at Denai Alam

Good news! For those who has a passion for horseback riding but find the cost is burning a huge hole in the wallet, here's a chance not to be missed! I was there for a photoshoot to promote the place. It will be launched and open to public in January. I was told that the yearly fees will cost about a mere RM150 (lesson fees not included, of course. But they will be offering low fees for the classes too!). So look out for it! Go horse around a little. Life is too short. Have more fun! (Unless u're a wee bit intimidated by the horses like err, me. Heheh).

You can find more than 10 horses that are very well kept here, in which all are male except for 2 (they are called Siti Nur & Siti Mas :D) and 2 ponies, one female and another a male.

The idea of this place is to provide horseriding facilities at affordable prices. So perhaps i should say that now, everybody can (horse)ride? :)


dd said...

hihihi azra, mcm menarik..k1 mesti teruja.. mummy pun nak try dr kecik lagi berangan tp mummy sbenarnye penakut ke penggeli dgn bdn dia yg berbulu hahaha...

yaya baker said...

Nanti kita bwk Ryan n Harris k!! Best! Best!

azra said...

Ok, korang boleh buat outing anak beranak ramai2 nanti.. sure fun!

Dd, i x geli... tp takuttt maybe because they are big.. And the guy sd these horses they can smell ur fear. With them, we should show who's the boss. Start bagi salam.. approach them nicely. No need to be afraid. But easier sd than done la kan.. heheh..

Yaya, jgn lupa bawak Daus.. he can ride Siti Nur/Siti Mas.. u know.. for a change :P
Oh and i think Harris n Ryan are too youngla. Should wait for a few years.

yaya baker said...

Ive informed Daus.. n he's so excited to try Siti Nur/Siti Mas. LOL!

AZRA said...

Hahaha... cool! :)